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Restart-I love from the three: Spirit Soul Body towards the UNOS

Once upon a time you could see that one wanted to think -

was the exception.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Open the eyes of your mind and do not walk in ignorance.

I have given you the book of Life so that you may follow it, in it there is all Truth.

Contemporary world floods people through over – light, clouding the main light and, which is worse, hazing minds.

Below the strain of partial news that engage our self, we fail to use our soul to rise above the fogs.

Is it right to send soldiers with arms to countries at war in the name of peace, not attempting at all to find a real agreement? What?

«War is never the solution but rather the problem» said Gino Strada, founder of Emergency.

Refusing refugees who flee from wars in the name of peace is right! What? 110 million people around the world have been forced to run away owing to struggles, persecutions, violences, violation of human rights

(according to the Unhcr-Acnur «Global Trends in Forced Displacement 2022»).

Human beings are only made of physical body, they have not got soul, let alone spirit. What? What?

We are in a sort of “Over light” dimension, with too much artificial, blinding gleaming. We are pressed by the yelling of one – way information that affect our way of thinking, make us forget our personal point of view, prevent us from analyzing our spiritual judgement, submerged by junk information (not fake news, which is another story) that leads us through a kind of nonsense living. And absorbing junk information is bad for both physical and mental health as eating junk food.

No one brings suit justly,

no one pleads truthfully;

They trust in emptiness and tell lies;

they conceive mischief and bring forth malice.

Isaiah 59:4

The real light comes form the heights of universe, nothing to do with things belonging to this world. Everybody can achieve it. Spirit unites everybody, every human being with the others, though deeply different from each other. Wars can stop only when we get this principle, because it is the real truth. Soul is universal, with no differences of colour of the skin or culture, and has no boundaries to establish.

Soul is one and unique. It cannot struggle against itself and there is no reason why it should do this. The day we will understand this we will find the way to respect one another and the other different from me, as Voltaire said:

I do not share your point of view,

but I am willing to give my life to let you express your thought.

Spirit is immortal. We are going to leave our body and soul after death, a moment which is often forgotten, even exorcised this days. On the contrary, it is just a door open before eternity. How can we get this point?

Mother yeast

Mother yeast can let us think and remember what material we are made of.

I have been recently surprised when a friend of mine gave me a piece of mother’s yeast recommending to take care of it and to give it all the possible love; it was a piece of memory, 100 years old. Thus it was important to let it live on. Than I asked how it could be so old? The flour has changed over and over again, as well as the water that composes it and keeps the dough fresh and 'alive'. A third element remained to be considered: the most essential part, the one not visible, probably eternal if the cycle is not interrupted, which comes from far away, both in time and in space. It must be renewed periodically. And it is thanks to those microscopic microorganisms that make this dough alive and imperishable.

How not to reflect and hazard a comparison with the passage of Jesus’ disciple, about Christ’s death in the first letter of John, that states:

· 7 For there are three who bear witness:

· 8 the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and the three are in agreement.

In Christ water, blood and spirit are harmony. As in the mother yeast we have water, flour and the part that makes it alive formed by invisible microorganisms, in the same way man is made of body, soul and spirit and the latter revives it.

You pseudo-scientists who give us a half-baked truth should think well before saying that the human being is made up of only the physical body. The reason that drives you to such considerations is supported by the fact that you haven't got tools to 'measure' soul and Spirit. Would we like to compare man to an automaton? Certainly, we can say that the human being in no way can be compared to an automaton, there is much more invisible and that we still do not understand.

Metropolis (1927) Fritz Lang

Living is the rarest thing in the world.

Most people exist, that’s all.

(James Joyce)

All human beings, as well as the many yeast pastes of which only a small piece has come to me, are parts of one primordial 'parental' Mother, which has been renewed in so many different parts that have then been distributed among human beings. Today’s mother has derived from an original one, her ESSENCE over time has not changed. It has rather taken different roads and it has settled in different dwellings. Each has found a different shape, different color and texture, no equal and no more wrong than others. Ready to renew cyclically thanks to the care of those who pour out love, always agree with the flour and water even if different.

John explains it well: water, blood and the Spirit are in harmony. This spirit is accompanied and sustained by something special: Love. Like a mother, silent, lovingly waiting to be recognized by her son. She never abandons you, ready to get you up at every fall, ready to correct you when you make mistakes, ready to soothe your pains. After all it is like Mary/Maryam recognized by All Christians but also by Muslims because she is Immaculate and only those who want to approach the Truth can welcome her.

This is the time to take back your self and your conscience and understand why spirit accompanied by universal love, 'Mary' or 'Sofia' (whatever name you want to give), is merciful, immaculate, but above all free, truthful and immortal, ready to descend upon each of us every time we seek it, every time we make ourselves one.

How can spirit work?

Spirit that ultimately contains many of the feminine characteristics survives in time and through all storms. It is periodically renewed and patiently awaits our awakening. It can act both individually and collectively.

In the first case, there are those who are courageously working to mediate between Ukraine and Russia to try to convince the contenders to take a path of peace. In this case we talk about a special envoy such as Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, who hasseveral times been committed in favor of peace: not only over 30 years ago, with the Sant ‘Egidio’s community, for Mozambique, but also in the nineties. He was in fact in Burundi during the terrible genocide, together with Nobel laureate Nelson Mandela and Tanzanian leader Julius Nyerere, and in other countries at war.

If Zuppi were not guided by the spirit of peace, he would have nothing to hope to obtain from the dialogues of mediation with the opposite parties, t.i. his path would have been useless. On the contrary he succeeded. His experience has been fruitful as he uses the language of the word and the heart at the place of that of weapons and hatred.

In the second case the Spirit can act collectively. As regards as this topic, I had the pleasure to participate to the "Pentecost of Sant'Egidio’s community ". On that occasion I was able to see how the spirit of brotherhood operates; it acts in a unitary and collective way. There were, with 672 connections in a virtual embrace through streaming, 65 nations different in culture and origin, from Malawi to Mozambique, from New York to Pakistan. Ukraine was of course present with many other countries of the world. Pieces of peace are built where solidarity, listening and prayer are.

For Marco Impagliazzo, the president of Sant'Egidio’s community, peace in pieces is the answer to war in pieces fuelled by the leaders of the earth: "We are one great we who crosses borders and lives in unity, despite social, cultural and ethnic differences. In the community there is no us and theirs, there is no separation between north and south, between east and west but, rather, there is only one great we. It is in us in fact the common expectation, the condition that opens the way to the Holy Spirit".

Let us plan the future

A good dinner is one of the triumphs

of civilization over the barbarity

Robertson Davies

It would betime to gradually supplement and replace the obsolete and failed UN with the UNOS:

United Nations of Omniscience and Spirit

Experts of different nations, of different religions and agnostics should discuss the various problems that affect human kind, from a not only practical and geopolitical point of view but also a spiritual one, in order to enstablish the international common good.

The first article of the constitution will have to exclude from the union all the nations at war and those supplying weapons to countries in conflict.

UNOS both in Latin and Spanish language means SOME; it is interesting to notice that just a few people have the talent of impartiality in the Last Judgment of the holy Bible.

UNOS in Esperanto means UNITY, because One is the spirit that feeds love for humanity.

Feet, why do I want them if I have wings to fly?

(Frida Kahlo)

Then if the 'Mary' or 'Sofia' that feed the 'Three who are in agreement' is typically a woman, it will be up to women of the third millennium (excluding those who share male's mentality) to go in search of Love for humanity and for Peace, make it a cult and spread the Word.

That, my friends, is good luck!

The angelic choirs celebrating

in front of God lifts up

That all creation can hear:

«Great is the Lord, Zebaòth!»

Faust, Wolfgang Goethe

Il Terzo Paradiso, Michelangelo Pistoletto

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